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(June 2003)

Pictures and captions courtesy of Michael Kupersmith
Click on picture to enlarge it


The Birthday Boy

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The Big Blow!!!

phontobe2.jpg (43086 bytes)Michael Granoff holding the cake with Ken Kaplan looking on.


A Toast

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David Rosenthal toasting the birthday boy with Harold Weintraub in the foreground.


Treasurer's Report

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Bruce Singal reading his report
to the gang


Is It Raining In Here?

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Phin taking advantage of his new umbrella - protects himself from the verbal effluent flowing during the party!


Strike Up The Band!

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Phin was presented with one of his old drum major batons, salvaged from the demolition of Bunk "L", suitably inscribed for the occasion.


"Big" Jeff Greenfield

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"Big Jeff" reprises from one
of the old camp shows.



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Ed Goldman reminisced


Niagara Falls

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Finally the birthday boy gets his long overdue visit to Niagara Falls!