Unfortunately one can't ever go back...you see things are always evolving and although the "OLD" board was easy to follow and use it was also about as secure to my web hosting server as are our borders to illegal immigrants...and I had to lock down the gates...so even though you feel like you are lost and beating your head against a brick wall - it is NOT that bad!
Give it a try and you will see that not only does it look "nicer" but it ain't so hard to use!
Check out the [b][url=
http://www.campalton.com/phpbb/faq.php]FAQs[/url][/b] and you will see what I mean!!!
[quote="Ima Fink"]On behalf of myself and the hole Fink family, I agree with Lipshitz. Actually, I was just having this discussion with Bottles on the way to a black and white run.
We were driving the Woody, saying how nice it would be to have the old message board back, when off in the distance were some aging hippies hitch hiking to town. We picked them up and it turned out to be Dusty, Rusty, and Bottles' brother Jon. They had been talking to Chinky Pagota and his brother the day before. The Chinicks had been having the same discussion with Nagle and Paul Bond, saying how nice it would be to have it back.
We finished our black and whites, hopped in the Woody, and drove back to the Lake, forgetting to buy a life preserver for Stoney. Rabbi Brecker was holding him back from the water, but Stoney was a tough old guy, broke away from him, and swam towards the dock. He almost made it. Lucky for Stoney though, Dusty ripped off his soccer uniform and helped him finish the last few strokes.[/quote]