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Alton TV sighting

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2001 12:49 pm
by David Witkin
I was watching a rerun of "Win Ben Stein's Money" last week, and one of the contestants was introduced as "Jake Cumsky-Witlock". Now, I couldn't tell you anything about this kid, other than I recall he was at camp in the early to mid 80's, but that name was very easy to place. The kids called him Jake Clumsy-Shitlock, I think. Anyway, he made it to the final round but didn't win.

Alton TV 2 Garulnick

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2001 12:27 am
by Marc Harris
Interesting that this Alton Alum was on the Game Show screen. On that topic, I saw Peter G on TV 2 weeks ago. It was what would have been NFL week 2, 2001. In it's postponement there was a documentary special on a major network, and Peter was one of the guests speaking about, who else, The King.
It has subsequently occurred to me that, unfortunate to us Altonites, Peter's epitaph is not Camp Alton or Grandson of Chief, but as the author of the ultimate Elvis books.
Of course we all wish him luck and congrats with his success, but I believe it was his musical writing ambitions that must have contributed to Peter's loss of interest in Lake W. Also to add to a discussion of a few weeks ago in speculation of the "Sale of the property". I had heard that Irving Roberts owned the land and Alton/Peter was leasing. 100K per summer rent would have kept it alive, and there was an alternative group attempting to put a plan together, but too little too late. My source is fairly reliable, but I can not guarantee this accuracy.
On an additional note, Egg Foo Young ball lives on in many next generations of Alton Alum, my own included.
Egg Foo Young in NOP park '67, and later on the corral. You can't buy memories like that.
By the way, Moon landing was '69, yes?

Re: Alton TV 2 Garulnick

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 10:53 am
by DDD
The 1st Moon Landing was indeed in 1969.

I don't think that Irving Roberts - a New England original if ever there were - or even the Roberts family more generally - owned the Clay Point property. If they ever did, it was 150 years ago, before the first development.

I could see some of Irving's ancestors running the brickworks, though.


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