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Circass comes to town

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2001 12:38 pm
by Larry Miller
Thanks everyone for the input on the Circass. The shores of the Atlantic Ocean are nice, but not like the shores of Lake Winnie "P". We had our outing this past week with much success. The pie eating contest was the biggest hit. It's quite a site when the VP of sales rips off his jersey (which was something I didn't need to see)and digs into the pie with a fervor that I can't ever recall seeing. John Madden would definitely include this guy on his "All Pie Eating Team". I was awfully tempted to have the Niagara Falls contest, but didn't like the tradeoff of a few laughs for 3 employees deciding to quit over a bucket of water down the front of their pants. It was a great day and brought back a lot of memories.