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fond memories

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2001 8:59 pm
by Bennett Levinson

just happened to stumble across the site for camp alton and i can't beging to express the feelings the pictures have brought back. i was at the camp from 1954-1959 from the age of 8 to 13. they remain some of the best times of my life. the H dock was where i learned to swim and the boat dock was where i earned my life saving badge. i remember having to swim from the H dock to the boat dock and back. it brings back memories of hours in that cold cold lake water soaping up. i see from one of the pictures that the flag rush was an ongoing tradition. during rush i was usually a rovering rush and recall the day i captured two flags on one rush. i was very young but received a 10 point flag that night as an award. i was so proud of that rag tied to a stick. how many times did the 50 get captured over the history of the camp.

thoughts of field trips to the movies in wolfeboro, duck pin bowling and trips on the mail boat fill my head. neco wafers, visiting day and sunday night camp fire. i remember doing shows in the recreation hall and playing broom hockey there when the weather was bad. overnights on horse back up into the mountians. i recall walking to the only fresh water fountian in front of the mess hall to fill my canteen. the pillow fights at first light between bunks. the hours of playing frisbee. making lanyard and crafts.

all this and more has my head spinning with thoughts of my time at camp alton. from the photos i can assume they tore down paradise and put up a parking lot ( or condo's ). what a shame. i only regret i did not make it back to the camp one more time to enjoy the splendor and beauty of the grounds and to show my family where i had spent so many wonderfull times. whenever i hear a bugle call it reminds me of the morning and evening flag ceremonies and cheif marson. all of us who shared camp alton were made better by the experiance.

thank you for the effort put forward to have this site available. i will look at it from time to time, maybe when i need my spirts lifted.

bennett levinson
nickname - b.z.