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30 years ago today

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:08 pm
by Howard Silverstein
Boy I remember the Nixon Resignation as though it was yesterday. It was my 15-yr old senior year in bunk I-2 and we all listened to the resignation speech on Jeff Groper's short-wave radio. I heard the entire bunkline erupt in cheers as soon as Nixon said "I shall resign effective noon tomorrow". Everyone was going nuts, except of course Brecker who I'm sure still is a Nixon man to to this day. I could listen to that speech for the rest of my life and remember Alton at the same time. And I still have the Boston Globe from that day, saved from camp, with a small notation on it that reads "Camp Alton, senior year 1974. Wow. 30 years. Where has the time gone?

Re: 30 years ago today

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 9:45 pm
by Tracy Klestadt
Didn't Mel Kohn play something from the trumpet record and get on the speaker system to announce the resignation at like 9:30 that night??