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Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2001 8:00 pm
by Paule
It has been long rumored that Paul Harvey Bond has jumped into the world of dot coms. I think I have discovered the proof. Check out <A HREF=""></A> for Mr. Bond's helpful hints. Although he seems to be using an alias, his plunger-print is obvious to me: (, in conjunction with
( and (, may not have created the killer wireless application, but their "Bathroom Finder -- Where-2-Go" service could spell relief. wirelessly pumps's research into you personal digital assistant, detailing public restroom quality and locations in 12 U.S. cities., whose motto is "the place to go before you have to," even reviews the restrooms. "The key to every public bathroom is in the palm of your hand," boasts Yadayada, a $39.95 a month service that covers an array of wireless content and applications.

Alas, there is no review of the Rec Hall or Porch bathrooms. Goober, which was your favorite?


Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2001 8:20 pm
by Gary Scharoff

You obviously have WAY TOO much time on your hands!! This is what you look for???

It is however a great site...Not that I make a habit of visiting lots of toilets...I have been in some of the ones listed in NYC and it is accurate...especially the ones around Grand Central Station. Urinal photos are a nice touch!!

Take care and remember to check the bottom of your shoes when you leave!



Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2001 11:29 pm
by goober hansburg
rec hall vs porch

location is always key when judging toilets. attack hits on the afield and the rec hall is your first bet. chef bill gets you in the dining room and you head for the porch. as a morning guy i used the porch bathroom more than the rec hall and found it warmer and cleaner. the only problem was the heavy traffic. if it is solitude you want, go to the rec hall.

overall assesment: if the attack hits on the a- field and you can make it to the porch, you take your chances and go for it. just hope they aren't occupied because it is uphill back to the rec hall!!


Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2001 8:45 am
by Tony Gillott
rec hall? porch?
You guys didn't tell us Limeys about those, we were told if we were on the a-field we had to go in the woods with the bears!
Thanks a lot guys!!!!