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Phin Tobe Birthday

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2000 3:10 pm
by Frank Goldschmidt
I just came home from the Phin Tobe Birthday Bash held at the Harvard Club of Boston. It was the first time since 1954 that I have attended anything to do with "camp" (other than a one-day visit in 1959). To say that it was a "treat" is a major understatement. To see former "kids" and counsellors who have retained the same Alton spirit after all of these years was wonderful. To see Phin Tobe, 90 years young and full of the same energy that I had remembered, was amazing.

I simply cannot wait until the next reunion, and if Bob Budnitz is reading this board - thank you for informing me about the affair.

Re: Phin Tobe Birthday

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2000 12:10 am
by Gary Scharoff
Hi Frank,

Glad to see your posting here! I was wondering how that went today. I was going to try and go but this was a busy weekend for me. How was the turnout? How many people and from what years? Was curious to know how many people there knew of this website??

Take care,

Gary Scharoff