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Camp from 1970-1980

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2002 11:36 pm
by Wingfoot (Jeff Goldstein)
Kinda think that Tim Duncan must have watched films of Miele (Dewitt) to learn how to make a 20' bank shot, was there a better basketball player than Miele and would his hairdo ever be in style today!! Speaking of hair, Bobby Knight gives me "one Bobby Kerstein point" in that dept. Ya Bobby "your motha"... Stoney still trying to interpret your Moses Malone tape that you took from your intern days if I remember correctly. Must admit I was really pretty poor at that alphabet game of names we played in counselors lounge. Was there a better "hucker" than "Beans" Winkleman with those Phil Jackson like shoulders. Give it up for the guy who started the tee shirt swapping at the shop, my oldest kid sleeps in one of Peter Klastadt Mets shirt. Finally, I remember tip toeing when walking by the clay lower tennis courts during a Guy Erenfeld tennis match against Belknaps finest, Lou would hunt ya down if a peep was made.....where are you Mitchell Manners? DON'T EAT THE MEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2002 3:50 am
by Tony Gillott
Wasn't that the name of that alphabet game?
Tony G

Re: Camp from 1970-1980

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2002 2:42 pm
by michael stone
winged foot....i wish i still had that was actually caldwell the way beans winkleman is doing well..he has 2 kids one just bar mitzvahed...

its funny i mentioned trading t shirts on my radio show one partner a polak from michigan could not understand it..the sports update guy,a jew from cleveland who went to camp robin hood by the way said they did it their camp as well.....i would love an alton remedial baseball shirt right now...

by the way..i just agreed to a new 4 year no cut contract at can listen on the i am on from 3-7....have to admit i still have an obsession with springsteen..going to the meadowlands wednesday..i have clause in my contract that i can take the day off if he is within 750 miles of detroit....i am a nut

Re: Botticelli

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2002 2:43 pm
by michael stone

Re: Camp from 1970-1980

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2002 5:31 pm
by greg goodman
Yo winged foot and stoney: It's your long lost friend "Goody". Winged- I saw your brother over visiting day at my daughter's camp. What a small world! Then I bumped into Marc Schuster 15 minutes later! Alton still lives on in our hearts. Stoney- I've listened to your gig and wasn't surprised. I'm glad you're living your dream. ZZ-Zarley Zalapski lives on in alphabet history! I'm still in Philly and bump into some other altonites occassionally. Anyway. it's fun to relive what were some awesome memories. Where is Guy Ehrenfeld these days? Brecker and Biafra rule! Goody

Re: Camp from 1970-1980

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2002 11:16 pm
by michael stone
good to hear from you goody......this board is great...heard frompeter rich today as well.....what camp were you referring to....russian hockey players were always great for gogenheim......remember kicker zenon anderseseschyn.....anyways my friends nephews are going to winaukee....i remember playing them in 72 or 73..they had those lit red clay tennis courts with stero systems in the bunks....i can only imaggine what they have now

Re: Camp from 1970-1980

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2002 9:53 am
by Bob Fine
In response to the request of Officer Mike Stone from Detroit, I have an Alton Remedial Baseball shirt (number 3)which I wore at first base during many error filled counselors' games, including the epic where Representative Hatch (of the Hatch Movie theater empire) threw out the first ball and Mouse sang the Anthem. It no longer fits even my 9 year old son, so I would consider shipping it out to the land of Robocop and octipi for the appropriate donation to the Marson Scholarship Fund at Boston Latin. Regards to you, Goody (who sang the Biafran National Anthem so beautifully at campfire) and Guy wherever he may be. Bob Fine

Re: Camp from 1970-1980

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2002 10:21 pm
by michael stone
i think i might have to take you up on that...i do remember commissioner hatch throwin out the first ball...i broadcasted that game...i wish that tape was not thrown out....hope all is well mr.fine.......unfortunatly neither the tigers or phillies are