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Newton Bowl, Worcester Bowl, any Bowl...

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2001 12:10 am
by Mel Kohn
As a former kitchen boy and then waterfront counselor (never reaching the ultimate level of A-Field member which included the always desired bleacher ALMANAC picture), I was never a member of any color team. Always on the outside, never "in", I watched and kept notes on the talents of both team members. Clearly, after decades of observations, whatever bowl is played, only the Greens can be victorious. Face it, you cannot change history, no matter how hard Pitz S. tries. Alton was Green. All others were simply competition. Sad, but true....

Re: F.Y.I., Mel Kohn...

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2001 12:22 pm
by Uncle Moish
Pitz Schvitz, also a kitchen boy/waterfront toiler, was, is, and always will be, the most loyal green every who loves everything green from money on down to almost every "Mark" [which excludes, for obvious reasons, "Mark Green"]. Fernando may have lost by a per centage point or two, but it took a tragedy for the "victor" to prevail.
E. F. Glutton

Re: Newton Bowl, Worcester Bowl, any Bowl...

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2001 4:18 pm
by Biff Levy
Mel - You are way too self effacing. You were a great masked wrestler and world champion. Although Pitz Schvitz could never really overcome his humble roots, you are an Alton success story. As far as the Greens go, you are, of course, correct.

Re: Newton Bowl, Worcester Bowl, any Bowl...

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2001 5:05 pm
by Larry Miller
Hey Grandson of FSB, Have you noticed how the support for the Green team continues to grow (i.e Biff, Mel, Markie and Perky). Unless you start to spark some interest, you'll end up as the entire offensive side, all by yourself. And if you've ever been called offensive before.....